Senegalia thomasii

Senegalia thomasii

from $6.00

Senegalia thomasii, sometimes known by its former name Acacia thomasii, is a shrub or small tree that is primarily found in Kenya though it grows throughout tropical Africa. The species reaches a maximum of 5 m (16 ft) in height, with a straggling growth pattern and long, narrow upper twigs. Spikes of cream to pale yellow flowers, 4 to 6 cm (1.5 to 2.4 in), give way to brown, elongated pods up to 10 cm (4 in). Sharp dark-colored prickles grow at its leaves’ nodes, while the leaves are pinnate pairs of 7 to 15 oblong leaflets.

Minimum tested germination rate is 60%

Collected in 2022 in Kenya

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